Helen Hyrons profile

Helen Hyrons

Internal Sales Consultant
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Sales Team
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Stourport-on-Severn, United Kingdom
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Sales Team
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Stourport-on-Severn, United Kingdom
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Sales Team
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Stourport-on-Severn, United Kingdom

Helen is a ray of sunshine in our sales team, she can identify if Profit4 will meet your business's requirements and actively discuss its potential benefits.

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Helen Hyrons

Internal Sales Consultant
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Sales Team
Calendar Icon
Location Icon
Stourport-on-Severn, United Kingdom
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Sales Team
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Stourport-on-Severn, United Kingdom
job role icon
Sales Team
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Stourport-on-Severn, United Kingdom

Helen is a ray of sunshine in our sales team, she can identify if Profit4 will meet your business's requirements and actively discuss its potential benefits.

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My Story

What did you do before joining OGL?

I first started working for OGL in August 2005. I then left the company due to having a son and was a full-time mom for 2 years. I then went on to complete my Level 2 Teaching Assistant qualification and worked in a primary school both in the classroom and 1-to-1 with different children who needed additional support.

How did you land your current role?

I jumped at the opportunity to come back to OGL in April 2022. I am so thankful I was given the opportunity to.

Tell us a bit about your role

I am an Internal Software Consultant, contacting prospective customers through different channels. I also take incoming enquiries regarding our fantastic software solution, Profit4. I help identify where the company's current software solution may not be meeting their requirements and how Profit4 can overcome this and discuss the many benefits Profit4 could bring to their business. I then hand them over to our knowledgeable External Software Consultants to discuss their requirements in more detail and demonstrate the software based on their business processes.

What are you most proud of in your job?

I am proud of being part of a wonderful team/company, who truly care about helping companies better their processes and helping them grow as businesses.

What's the best thing you've learned during your time at OGL?

The best thing I have learnt from working at OGL over many years, is that no matter what, all the people at OGL are so supportive. You are part of the OGL family, and they are there for you no matter what.

What do you like about working at OGL?

Where do I begin!! The people, work ethics, private healthcare, being acknowledged for all your hard work/efforts... the list goes on as there are so many!!

What's the best career advice you have been given?

To just try your best and be you.

What do you get up to at the weekend?

I have an 8-year-old son, so my weekends consist of visiting family, play dates for my son, taking him to swimming lessons and football matches, housework and on the odd occasion I can get a babysitter, to go out for meals with my friends. However, my favourite thing about the weekends is spending quality time with my son, before I'm classed as too old and uncool ha ha ha.

What did you want to be when you were growing up?

A teacher, although I have done that now and much prefer to be where I am now.

My Skills

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Market research
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Profit4 software
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Customer relationship management (CRM)
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Process improvement
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Market research
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Profit4 software
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Market research
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Profit4 software
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Customer relationship management (CRM)
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Process improvement
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Market research
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Profit4 software
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Customer relationship management (CRM)
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Process improvement
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Market research
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Profit4 software
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Customer relationship management (CRM)
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Process improvement
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Market research
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Profit4 software
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Customer relationship management (CRM)
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Process improvement
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Quickfire Favourites

On my Bucket List:
To buy my own house and take Spencer my son to Disney World and Universal Studios.
Favourite Food
Favourite Music
Parachutes by Coldplay
Favourite Film
On my Bucket List:
To buy my own house and take Spencer my son to Disney World and Universal Studios.
Favourite Food
Parachutes by Coldplay
Favourite Film
What did you do before joining OGL?

I first started working for OGL in August 2005. I then left the company due to having a son and was a full-time mom for 2 years. I then went on to complete my Level 2 Teaching Assistant qualification and worked in a primary school both in the classroom and 1-to-1 with different children who needed additional support.

How did you land your current role?

I jumped at the opportunity to come back to OGL in April 2022. I am so thankful I was given the opportunity to.

Tell us a bit about your role

I am an Internal Software Consultant, contacting prospective customers through different channels. I also take incoming enquiries regarding our fantastic software solution, Profit4. I help identify where the company's current software solution may not be meeting their requirements and how Profit4 can overcome this and discuss the many benefits Profit4 could bring to their business. I then hand them over to our knowledgeable External Software Consultants to discuss their requirements in more detail and demonstrate the software based on their business processes.

What are you most proud of in your job?

I am proud of being part of a wonderful team/company, who truly care about helping companies better their processes and helping them grow as businesses.

What's the best thing you've learned during your time at OGL?

The best thing I have learnt from working at OGL over many years, is that no matter what, all the people at OGL are so supportive. You are part of the OGL family, and they are there for you no matter what.

What do you like about working at OGL?

Where do I begin!! The people, work ethics, private healthcare, being acknowledged for all your hard work/efforts... the list goes on as there are so many!!

What's the best career advice you have been given?

To just try your best and be you.

What do you get up to at the weekend?

I have an 8-year-old son, so my weekends consist of visiting family, play dates for my son, taking him to swimming lessons and football matches, housework and on the odd occasion I can get a babysitter, to go out for meals with my friends. However, my favourite thing about the weekends is spending quality time with my son, before I'm classed as too old and uncool ha ha ha.

What did you want to be when you were growing up?

A teacher, although I have done that now and much prefer to be where I am now.

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Market research
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Market research
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Profit4 software
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Market research
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Profit4 software
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Customer relationship management (CRM)
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Market research
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Profit4 software
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Customer relationship management (CRM)
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Process improvement
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Market research
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Customer relationship management (CRM)
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Process improvement
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Market research
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Profit4 software
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Customer relationship management (CRM)
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Process improvement
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Market research
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Profit4 software
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Customer relationship management (CRM)
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Process improvement
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Market research
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Profit4 software
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Customer relationship management (CRM)
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Process improvement
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Market research
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Profit4 software
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Customer relationship management (CRM)
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Process improvement
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Market research
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Profit4 software
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Customer relationship management (CRM)
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Process improvement
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Market research
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Profit4 software
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Customer relationship management (CRM)
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Process improvement
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Market research
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Profit4 software
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Customer relationship management (CRM)
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Process improvement
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Market research
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Profit4 software
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Customer relationship management (CRM)
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Process improvement
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On my Bucket List:
To buy my own house and take Spencer my son to Disney World and Universal Studios.
Favourite Food
Favourite Music
Parachutes by Coldplay
Favourite Film
On my Bucket List:
To buy my own house and take Spencer my son to Disney World and Universal Studios.
Favourite Food
Favourite Music
Parachutes by Coldplay
Favourite Film

About OGL Software

We provide UK businesses with the software to help you succeed

  • UK-based HQ & support

  • Established in 1976

  • A focus on helping you grow

  • Trusted by 1,000's of UK users

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