Charlie Grant profile

Charlie Grant

Head of Support Services
Person icon
Support Team
Calendar Icon
Location Icon
Stourport-on-Severn, United Kingdom
job role icon
Support Team
calendar icon
Stourport-on-Severn, United Kingdom
job role icon
Support Team
calendar icon
Stourport-on-Severn, United Kingdom

Charlie has a diverse role, overseeing OGL's support team, prof.ITplus development and the Infrastructure team.

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Charlie Grant

Head of Support Services
Person icon
Support Team
Calendar Icon
Location Icon
Stourport-on-Severn, United Kingdom
job role icon
Support Team
calendar icon
Stourport-on-Severn, United Kingdom
job role icon
Support Team
calendar icon
Stourport-on-Severn, United Kingdom

Charlie has a diverse role, overseeing OGL's support team, prof.ITplus development and the Infrastructure team.

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My Story

What did you do before joining OGL?

I was studying a Computing degree at Portsmouth University.

How did you land your current role?

I've worked in many positions within the company and have recently transitioned into the role I perform today as the Head of Support Services

Tell us a bit about your role

I'm responsible for three departments, our Support teams, prof.ITplus development and our Infrastructure team. No one day is the same and each day brings new opportunities. I love the variety and the opportunity to continually develop and learn new skills.

What are you most proud of in your job?

The teams and people that put the hard graft in to ensure our customers are provided with a great service.

What's the best thing you've learned during your time at OGL?

That you can always find a solution and its ok to say no, just remember that a 'no' shouldn't always be seen as a negative - its how you relay the 'no'.

What do you like about working at OGL?

Working with the teams, especially on new and challenging projects.

What's the best career advice you have been given?

Treat everyone how you wish to be treated.

What do you get up to at the weekend?

Me and my boys have a season ticket at the blues so I'm often forcing them down to fortress St Andrews!!

What did you want to be when you were growing up?

A lawyer!!

My Skills

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Customer support
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Customer satisfaction
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Training & development
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Problem solving
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prof.ITplus software
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Profit4 software
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Customer support
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Customer satisfaction
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Customer support
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Customer satisfaction
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Training & development
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Problem solving
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Customer support
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Customer satisfaction
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Training & development
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Problem solving
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prof.ITplus software
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Customer support
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Customer satisfaction
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Training & development
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Problem solving
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prof.ITplus software
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Profit4 software
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Customer support
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Customer satisfaction
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Training & development
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Problem solving
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prof.ITplus software
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Profit4 software
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Quickfire Favourites

On my Bucket List:
Visiting Wembley with my football team
Favourite Food
Full English Breakfast
Favourite Music
Pulp Fiction
Favourite Film
ELO Mr Blue Sky
On my Bucket List:
Visiting Wembley with my football team
Favourite Food
Full English Breakfast
Pulp Fiction
Favourite Film
ELO Mr Blue Sky
What did you do before joining OGL?

I was studying a Computing degree at Portsmouth University.

How did you land your current role?

I've worked in many positions within the company and have recently transitioned into the role I perform today as the Head of Support Services

Tell us a bit about your role

I'm responsible for three departments, our Support teams, prof.ITplus development and our Infrastructure team. No one day is the same and each day brings new opportunities. I love the variety and the opportunity to continually develop and learn new skills.

What are you most proud of in your job?

The teams and people that put the hard graft in to ensure our customers are provided with a great service.

What's the best thing you've learned during your time at OGL?

That you can always find a solution and its ok to say no, just remember that a 'no' shouldn't always be seen as a negative - its how you relay the 'no'.

What do you like about working at OGL?

Working with the teams, especially on new and challenging projects.

What's the best career advice you have been given?

Treat everyone how you wish to be treated.

What do you get up to at the weekend?

Me and my boys have a season ticket at the blues so I'm often forcing them down to fortress St Andrews!!

What did you want to be when you were growing up?

A lawyer!!

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Customer support
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Customer support
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Customer satisfaction
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Customer support
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Customer satisfaction
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Customer support
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Customer satisfaction
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Training & development
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Customer support
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Customer satisfaction
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Training & development
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Problem solving
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Customer support
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Customer satisfaction
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Training & development
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Problem solving
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prof.ITplus software
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Customer support
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Customer satisfaction
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Training & development
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Problem solving
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prof.ITplus software
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Profit4 software
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Customer support
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Customer satisfaction
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Training & development
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Problem solving
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prof.ITplus software
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Profit4 software
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Customer support
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Customer satisfaction
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Training & development
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Problem solving
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prof.ITplus software
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Profit4 software
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Customer support
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Customer satisfaction
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Training & development
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Problem solving
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prof.ITplus software
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Profit4 software
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Customer support
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Customer satisfaction
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Training & development
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Problem solving
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prof.ITplus software
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Profit4 software
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Customer support
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Customer satisfaction
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Training & development
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Problem solving
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prof.ITplus software
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Profit4 software
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Customer support
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Customer satisfaction
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Training & development
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Problem solving
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prof.ITplus software
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Profit4 software
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Customer support
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Customer satisfaction
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Training & development
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Problem solving
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prof.ITplus software
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Profit4 software
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On my Bucket List:
Visiting Wembley with my football team
Favourite Food
Full English Breakfast
Favourite Music
Pulp Fiction
Favourite Film
ELO Mr Blue Sky
On my Bucket List:
Visiting Wembley with my football team
Favourite Food
Full English Breakfast
Favourite Music
Pulp Fiction
Favourite Film
ELO Mr Blue Sky

About OGL Software

We provide UK businesses with the software to help you succeed

  • UK-based HQ & support

  • Established in 1976

  • A focus on helping you grow

  • Trusted by 1,000's of UK users

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