"For 18 years, we relied on Sage, and its numerous add-ons to manage different parts of our business. We ended up with a clunky system that just gave everyone a headache."

Paul Ison

Managing Director, KR Saws

"For 18 years, we relied on Sage, and its numerous add-ons to manage different parts of our business. We ended up with a clunky system that just gave everyone a headache."

Paul Ison

Managing Director, KR Saws

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Saw Blade Supplier
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Partnered with OGL

About KR Saws

KR Saws has established itself as the leading saw blade supplier in the UK metal cutting industry since 2004. Their headquarters is located in Coventry, West Midlands, where they provide their customers with a comprehensive range of metal cutting Circular Saw Blades and Band Saw Blades, as well as an in-house Circular Saw Blade Sharpening facility which is supported by team of experts.

KR Saws is a joint venture between world-class saw blade manufacturers, Kinkelder BV of the Netherlands and Robert Roentgen GmbH & Co of Germany.

The challenge

  • Outgrown Sage
  • No visibility of stock
  • Required an all-in-one software system
  • Too much time spent on manual processes
  • No delivery integration  

The challenge

  • Outgrown Sage
  • No visibility of stock
  • Required an all-in-one software system
  • Too much time spent on manual processes
  • No delivery integration  
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Company prepares for growth

Growth has been a result of reduced production times thanks to investment in an Ideal bandsaw precision welding machine, a major streamlining and rebranding of products, and a move from traditional accounting software, Sage, to OGL Software’s Profit4 ERP solution. The software upgrade came about as KR Saws sought to accelerate business operations, while reducing delivery times and overhead costs.

The company recognised that it needed an ERP solution that was able to handle multiple business processes from one software. Having reviewed the options, Managing Director, Paul selected OGL Software’s Profit4 to simplify business processes, while making stock management, deliveries, customer service enquiries, and invoicing practices quicker and more efficient.

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"For 18 years, we relied on Sage, and its numerous add-ons to manage different parts of our business. We ended up with a clunky system that just gave everyone a headache."

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Paul Ison

Managing Director, KR Saws

KR Saws see business operations streamlined  

KR Saws’ expanded product line required additional time spent by the team in stock management and order processing, so Profit4 was an advantage in simplifying those, but also provided automated order acknowledgements, which Sage did not do. This made communication with customers easier and gave KR Saws better visibility of its stock, so the company could improve warehouse organisation and accelerate delivery processing.

Louis Coleman, Project Co-ordinator at KR Saws states: “By integrating our Profit4 solution with a carrier service, delivery costs are reduced while we still meet and exceed customer expectations on delivery times. This is important for every business that provides goods, as customers sometimes demand quicker delivery for certain projects, but this is something we do well. The ease of using the Profit4 solution is another benefit as we have five application engineers who work remotely or travel to customer sites to sharpen blades. Now, no matter where they are on any day, they can use the system to see all the transactions for each customer, so they can access required history, including orders and date details, when needed.”

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"KR Saws is not just a supplier of metal cutting saw blades, we are also part manufacturer, importing goods to create finished products for clients, so we needed additional features to manage that stock, Sage just wasn’t cutting it any longer."

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Paul Ison

Managing Director, KR Saws
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Route optimisation integration transform deliveries

Profit4 has also cut down on delivery times thanks to KR Saws using Profit4’s integration with MaxOptra to simplify routes and deliver to more customers in a smarter, quicker way.

By integrating the company’s carrier service through DX freight, Project Co-ordinator, Louis Coleman, reports that “the business has a better view of all transactions, so the team can focus on ensuring there are no problems with timed deliveries”.

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The results

Better customer experience
Quicker deliveries to customers
Better visibility of stock
all business operations in one software
automated order acknowledgments
Full view of customer history
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KR Saws reflects on their partnership with OGL

Paul Ison concluded: “My advice to any other business looking to move to a new software system, would be to do it as it’s going to reduce the headaches of non-integrated software solutions. You need to understand the problems you're trying to solve, then you go for the one that works best at resolving them.

"It’s just one step at a time and we've already done a lot in a short period of time, with carrier and transport integration key to our growth, but there are still lots of possibilities to explore, like banking and credit controls.”

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