Adhering to the highest industry & quality standards

We are proud of the partnerships we have with world leading technology brands such as HP, Microsoft and WatchGuard.

August 1, 2019

Outstanding levels of expertise

We are proud of the partnerships we have with world leading technology brands such as HP, Microsoft and WatchGuard. Working alongside our partners, we have access to technical information, training, user groups, member websites, pre-release products and evaluation packages which keeps us at the forefront of emerging technologies which in turn enable our customers to benefit from the latest technology solutions.
Some of the key vendors we partner with:

As well as our working with industry partners, we also pride ourselves on achieving the highest quality standards and certifications including ISO 9001, ISO 27001 and Cyber Essentials Plus.

As a managed cyber security services provider, our expertise and integrity is vital. CyberGuard is one of just a few UK companies that are CREST accredited for both Penetration Testing and Incident Response ensuring our services are delivered in line with best practices and procedures.

In addition, OGL is also a member of BASDA (The Business Application Software Developers Association) which acts as the voice of the UK software industry.

About us

We provide UK businesses with the software to help them succeed

  • UK-based HQ & support

  • Established in 1976

  • A focus on helping you grow

  • 1,000's of UK users

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