Sharon Moreno celebrates 35 years at OGL

Sharon Moreno celebrates 35 years at OGL Software with a presentation at Brockencote Hall.

March 17, 2023

A huge congratulations to Sharon Moreno who reached her 35-year anniversary earlier this year. As a special celebration of such a significant milestone, the Directors took Sharon, and other long serving staff, out for lunch this week but here is Sharon's story…

"When I was asked to prepare an article for my 35 years' service anniversary, I thought to myself, ‘how am I going to condense all those years into a short and succinct read', so here goes.

"To me, what has made my time working at OGL so very special is not what I have achieved, even though I have accomplished lots since my humble beginnings working as Paul Byrne's Junior Secretary, but the absolute privilege to have worked with so many fabulous people, whether that be customers or my colleagues. People are the beating heart of this business and so many individuals have influenced my career in lots of different ways. Whether that be working with some of the challenging customer situations with Neil Morris or learning how to deal with Bruce Watson's smoking habit back in the day.

"My greatest joy is the ability to influence and observe people's progression, as they drive towards achieving their aspirations and career goals with a little bit of help along the way. And to be able to contribute to the success of the business and my goodness haven't we achieved so very much over the 35 years!

"I would also like to say a very huge thank you to the people that have inspired and guided me in achieving my own personal goals. Where would I be today if my Mum hadn't made me attend my first ever interview, and the influence of PB in the early years of my career. But I could not write my 35 years article without recognising the impact that my very own mentor has had on my success. Debbie Barton has been my guiding light through the good, and on occasions challenging times, and without her confidence and trust in me, I may not have accomplished the success that I have experienced throughout the years.

"Debbie has instilled in me the importance of working as a team and the value of people within a business and for that I am truly grateful.

"I reached for the stars and 35 years later I'm still putting OGL stars in my pocket!!!"

Debbie Barton commented: "I cannot really remember a time at OGL that doesn't include Sharon. From the early days as a Junior at our offices in Hartlebury to the role of Chief Operating Officer of OGL Software it has been quite a journey.

"Sharon has performed roles across the length and breath of the business, not only in the Software company but also with a secondment to Computer Support where she successfully ran the Helpdesk. But there is no doubt her heart lies in Software.

"Her stepping stone from administration was firstly to training when we were based on Comberton Hill. I can vividly remember the day when she had to do her first Nominal session to Neil Morris, she locked herself in the toilet and said she couldn't do it! I knew she could, and she did brilliantly! It has been an upward rise since then performing roles in Training, Project Management, managing pretty much every Team in Software to her current role today.

"She had a short sabbatical away from the business when she had her daughter, Neli, but we were delighted when she asked to come back to us as the Software Company isn't the same without her.

"Sharon and I have had a fantastic working relationship over the past 35 years, seeing the highs and lows of both of our lives, but her resilience and positive attitude to life in general is something I greatly admire. She has a can-do attitude to everything she approaches, she cares about the customers and about the staff. OGL being the best company it can is important to her and I don't take that for granted.

"Sharon is an irreplaceable asset to the business and an enormous support to not only me but to everyone that works with her. Thank you Sharon, and congratulations on 35 years we couldn't have achieved what we have without you!

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