OGL staff raise over £17,000 for charity in 2018

Our staff enjoyed another successful year of fundraising in 2018, having raised over £17,000 for local and national charities through various events and activities.

January 2, 2019

Our staff enjoyed another successful year of fundraising in 2018, having raised over �17,000 for local and national charities through various events and activities.

Since starting our fundraising initiative in 2014, our employees have raised money for numerous charitable and not-for-profit organisations through activities such as dress down days, coffee mornings, boat races, golf days, bake-offs, quiz nights and football matches. In this time, we've raised just shy of £130,000.

St Richard's Hospice, a Worcester-based charity providing care for patients and families who are living with life-limiting illnesses, was chosen as our charity of the year for 2018. At final count, employees raised �10,281 in support of the incredible work that St Richard's undertakes. Fundraising initiatives included a mud run, bake offs and dress-down days.

Watch this space for further news of our fundraising campaigns.

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